THE Summit for ChangeMakers Using AI in Biopharma is held annually in Boston.  The AI Applications in Biopharma Summit 2018 is the only event to convene key strategic biopharma stakeholders and data driven disruptors to discuss their experiences, obstacles, opportunities for partnerships, and strategies to implement AI technologies in the research and drug development process.

Interest in AI driven technology is growing fast among leaders in the biopharma industry.  The AI Applications Summit provides the opportunity to discuss the practical steps for implementing these technologies to achieve the greatest impact and ROI.  The event will enable industry leaders to find partners to help keep the AI in Biopharma movement growing and moving forward. 

For more information on attending, speaking, or sponsoring,  click here.

Great speakers and superbly focused talks. As someone tracking the leading edge of AI in Pharma, I found this meeting to be extremely high-impact.
— Malorye Branca, Managing Partner, Word Control; Co-author, MoneyBall Medicine: Thriving in the New Data-Driven Healthcare Market
Thanks again for the well-run AI Summit. My colleague and I were able to strengthen our knowledge and contacts in this space.
— Henry Che, Director, R&D Information Systems, Gilead Sciences
As an attendee, I found the focus on the healthcare ecosystem for networking with speakers and other participants to be be very valuable.
— Brian Mitchell, Director, Strategic Alliance Center of Excellence, Merck